Instance API

This page will be covering the instance level API. It is all the function that you can access through your model object like in the example below;




This is the function that helps you to approve next approval of the object easily. django-river will handle all the availability and the authorization issues.

>>> my_model.river.my_state_field.approve(as_user=team_leader)
>>> my_model.river.my_state_field.approve(as_user=team_leader, next_state=State.objects.get(name='re_opened_state'))
  Type Default Optional Format Description
as_user input NaN False Django User
A user to make the transaction.
django-river will check
if this user is authorized to
make next action by looking at
this user’s permissions and
user groups.
next_state input NaN True/False State
This parameter is redundant
as long as there is only one
next state from the current
state. But if there is multiple
possible next state in place,
django-river is naturally
is unable know which one is
actually supposed to be picked.
If the given next state is not
a valid next state a RiverException
will be thrown.


This is the function that helps you to fetch all available approvals waiting for a spesific user according to given source and destination states. If the source state is not provided, django-river will pick the current objects source state.

>>> transition_approvals = my_model.river.my_state_field.get_available_approvals(as_user=manager)
>>> transition_approvals = my_model.river.my_state_field.get_available_approvals(as_user=manager, source_state=State.objects.get(name='in_progress'))
>>> transition_approvals = my_model.river.my_state_field.get_available_approvals(
  Type Default Optional Format Description
as_user input NaN False Django User
A user to find all the approvals
by user’s permissions and groups
source_state input
Source State
True State
A base state to find all available
approvals comes after. Default is
current object’s source state
destination_state input NaN True State
A spesific destination state to
fetch all available state. If it
is not provided, the approvals
will be found for all available
destination states
  Output     List<TransitionApproval>
List of available transition approvals


This is a property that the transition approval which has recently been approved for the model object.

>>> transition_approval = my_model.river.my_state_field.last_approval
Type Format Description
Output TransitionApproval
Last approved transition approval
for the model object


This is a property that the list of transition approvals as a next step.

>>> transition_approvals == my_model.river.my_state_field.next_approvals
Type Format Description
Output List<TransitionApproval>
List of transition approvals comes
after last approved transition


This is a property that indicates if object is on initial state.

>>> my_model.river.my_state_field.on_initial_state
Type Format Description
Output Boolean True if object is on initial state


This is a property that indicates if object is on final state.

>>> my_model.river.my_state_field.on_final_state
Type Format Description
Output Boolean
True if object is on final state
which also means that the workflow
is complete